Megaprojects operated by Nguyen Tuan Anh, son of Chief Justice of Vietnam’s Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh in his home town of Quang Ngai

After learning about the trillions of assets and benefits of Chief Justice of Vietnam’s Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh, the chairman of the cassation hearing rejecting the appeal of death row inmate Ho Duy Hai. We continue to uncover a small part of the person who is a solid candidate for a member of the Politburo of the 13th National Congress of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam slated in January next year. Perhaps Ho Duy Hai’s fate is still too small in the tangled benefits that Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh holds in his political career.

Photo 1: Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh has held all three (03) positions of prosecution, investigation and trial during the 13-year process of the case. He was a deputy head of the Ministry of Public Security’s Investigation Agency, he ignored the fact that his subordinates purchased a cutting board from a wet market and used as evidence. When he was the chief of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, he rejected the appeal of the case. In the Cassation hearing on May 6-8, he continued to ignore all the inconsistent grounds to force Ho Duy Hai to die.

First, the reader must remind the content “capital of less than one hundred billion of Vietnamese dong” in the previous article is only the initial registered capital to bait. Starting from that, the new trillions of money pouring into the pockets of Mr. Binh’s family were real money. Among the major projects of Nguyen Tuan Anh in his hometown of Quang Ngai, there are two mega projects with a total investment capital of several hundred billion dong to trillions dong with the main “political capital” contribution from his father Nguyen Hoa Binh who was a deputy secretary and later secretary of the Quang Ngai province’s Party Committee, chief of the Supreme People’s Procuracy and the chief justice of the Supreme People’s Court. Let see the investment and implementation process of the two projects named “Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex” and “A Phu Sinh Urban Area.”

1- Project “Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex

Photo 2: The project “Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex” has an investment value of VND458 billion ($19.5 million) granted by the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai Province to a joint venture company with VND6 billion capital of Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family (pages 1 & 2 of the Investment Certificate issued by Quang Ngai People’s Committee on April 12, 2010 – for a consortium of three companies operated by Nguyen Tuan Anh and Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family
Photo 3: Investment certificate page 3 & 4
Photo 4: Investment certificate page 4 & 5

In April 2010, Thien An Investment Joint Stock Company (abbreviated as TAI) of Nguyen Tuan Anh borrowed the names of two other companies, New Vision Real Estate Co., Ltd., and Tre Viet Co., Ltd. to form an eligible investment partnership. Since then, Nguyen Tuan Anh drew up Thien An Holding Joint Stock Company (abbreviated as TAH) with a charter capital of VND6 billion and was issued the investment certificate No. 341032000072 on April 12, 2010, by Quang Ngai Province, for implementation of TAH construction project of “Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex Area” in Nghia Chanh Ward, downtown of Quang Ngai City with a total investment of VND458 billion on a total area of ​​89,728 m2 (including 79,128 m2 and 10,600 m2 on the platform of the bus terminal of Quang Ngai). The interesting thing is that the mega project in the city center that Quang Ngai People’s Committee was given to the joint venture with capital of only VND6 billion owned by Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family (?!), the rest of VND389.75 billion dong came from “secondary” loans and investment mobilization capital and VND62.25 billion bond.

Photo 5: The eldest son of Chief Justice Nguyen Hoa Binh – Nguyen Tuan Anh and his girlfriend

Nguyen Tuan Anh (born in 1983) is the eldest son of Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh, graduated high school in 2001, Nguyen Tuan Anh studied for 1 year of IT at Hanoi National University (in 2002) then was arranged by his father to go to the UK to continue his study. In 2006, graduating from London University of Economics and Politics, England, Nguyen Tuan Anh continued to receive a Master’s degree at the University of Nottingham, then went home to marry to Hoang Minh Thuy and started with his father in operating property projects in his home town of Quang Ngai.

In 2018, Tuan Anh earned his doctorate in Banking and Finance after defending his thesis at Hanoi University of Economics.

Photo 6: Nguyen Tuan Anh while studying abroad in the UK

Nguyen Tuan Anh got benefits as his father was appointed as deputy secretary of the Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee (May 2008). Like Vu Chi Hung – the son-in-law of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, with only empty hands and political “capital” of his father, Nguyen Tuan Anh immediately opened a series of investment companies in Quang Ngai province, so it was “natural” for a series of big projects. However, Binh and his son are not directly in the name of any enterprise, but managing them via trusted family members: Tuan’s father-in-law Hoang Dang Dinh (the father of Tuan’s wife Hoang Minh Thuy).

Photo 7: Marriage certificate of Nguyen Tuan Anh and Hoang Minh Thuy, daughter of painter Hoang Dang Dinh
Photo 8: Painter Hoang Dang Dinh, born in 1953 in Do Son, Hai Phong, who was a relatively famous painter with the stage name Hoang Dinh. Focusing on his painting, Dinh was named by his son-in-law to head many firms.

2- Project “An Phu Sinh urban area

Photo 9: An Phu Sinh urban area with an area of ​​over 50 ha, the current investment is about VND1.7 trillion

In 2015, both the Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex Project and An Phu Sinh Urban Area project were deviated by the Government Inspectorate for violations due to improper land allocation. But the anti-corruption task probably only made a few articles and then remains silent, because Nguyen Hoa Binh’s career is still rising like the wind.

TAG Investment Joint Stock Company has a very modest charter capital of only VND7.2 billion. In particular, Thien An Investment Joint Stock Company contributed VND3.53 billion, and Hoang Minh Thuy- who held the position of general director, contributed 2%.

It should be noted, General Director Hoang Minh Thuy has a permanent residence at Lang Thuong ward, Hanoi City, and is the daughter of Mr. Hoang Dang Dinh and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hang – owners of Thien An Investment Joint Stock Company with Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex project.

Thus, by organizing the family enterprise system, Mr. Hoang Dang Dinh and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hang’s family was quickly assigned two projects in Quang Ngai city, Quang Ngai province.

The largest stake in the family’s business system, is a legal entity from Singapore – a tax haven. That’s what we will keep informing.

Photo 10: Certificate of business registration of Thien But Real Estate One Member Co., Ltd, of Chief Justice Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family, was established on April 29 by his son Nguyen Tuan Anh 2011 with charter capital of VND6 billion

After being promoted to the secretary of the Quang Ngai provincial Party Committee, on the one hand, Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh directed the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province to “launch” many real estate projects calling for investment, on the other hand, instructed his son Nguyen Tuan Anh to prepare for implementing these projects. Specifically, on March 29, 2011, Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh issued Notice No. 108-TB / TU on the implementation of the project on a 42.64 ha land lot in Nghia Chanh ward and Nghia Dung commune – the city center. Exactly 1 month later, on April 29, 2011, his son Nguyen Tuan Anh opened Thien But Company, and just over a month later, on June 9, 2011 Thien But was hastily granted an investment certificate by Quang Ngai Provincial People’s Committee. No. 34121000097 to implement the development project “An Phu Sinh urban area” in the above plot of land with a total capital of up to VND972 billion. Meanwhile, Thien But’s equity is only VND6 billion, the rest is mobilized capital (?!).

Photo 11: Certificate of investment of the project “An Phu Sinh urban area” with an investment value of up to VND972 billion continues to be granted by Thien Ngai Province People’s Committee to Thien But with equity of only VND6 billion of Secretary Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family (pages 1 & 2)

A funny fact, because greedy want to do both projects too large compared to real capacity, so Quang Ngai in particular, in parallel with the initiative of calling for investment for Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family, the Quang Ngai provincial government teared down the red book for each land plot of these two projects to turn it into a family’s own property. . Most recently, on December 27, 2014, the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai Province issued Decision No. 6058 / UBND-CNXD:

From nearly capitalless projects, land plots in the city center Quang Ngai was given to Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family legally by decision No. 6058 / UBND-CNXD.

Photo 12: The last page of the Investment Certificate and Decision No. 6058 / UBND-CNXD dated December 27, 2014 of Quang Ngai People’s Committee granted to Thien But Company, approved to issue residential land red book. for 132 lots.

Thus, according to this decision:

– Paying VND1.18 billion to the state budget, Thien An has been granted a certificate of land use rights, ownership of houses and properties attached to land for 3,346 m2 of the project “Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex.”

– Payment of VND11.12 billion to the state budget, Thien But was also granted a red book for the 22,416 m2 land area of ​​the “An Phu Sinh urban area” project.

Both above 2 lots have been subdivided and sold ground by Nguyen Tuan Anh, specifically:

– The land area of ​​the project “Quang Ngai Bus Station Complex“: Nguyen Tuan Anh has divided into 173 lots. The total value of the lots for sale is: VND142.6 billion. Thus, this project alone, Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family earned at least VND141.82 billion.

– The land area of ​​the project “An Phu Sinh Urban Area“: ​​Nguyen Tuan Anh has been divided into 254 lots. For this project alone, Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family is and will be earning at least VND 196.27 billion.

Thus, with this decision of the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai Province, the family of former Secretary Nguyen Hoa Binh seems to have robbed the land of his home province (strictly speaking, robbing land from poor residents) and sold out in smaller slots to earn VND337.69 billion. Following the momentum of tearing down the “legal” red book, after “slaughtering” the two projects above, Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh’s family was able to salvage trillions of dong from his homeland which is considered to be this poor province. (Translated)